The class will also work with charts and advanced formatting including styles. This Intermediate Microsoft Excel training class is meant for participants who want to advance their skill set by learning to work with formulas, lists, and illustrations. When: Fridays - April 15th or April 29th Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm This course is designed for those who want to gain the necessary skills to create, edit, format, and print basic Microsoft Excel worksheets.
In this Introduction to Microsoft Excel training class, participants will create and edit basic worksheets and workbooks. When: Fridays - March 18th or April 1st Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm When: Fridays - April 8th or April 22nd Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm Intermediate Microsoft Word 2013 and PowerPoint 2013 The attendee will be able to create a basic presentation. This workshop will introduce those who have not used PowerPoint 2013 to new elements such as the ribbon menu themes, which have replaced the autocontent wizard design templates and the new location of slide transitions under Animations. PowerPoint is often used at conferences or in the classroom to bring a visual component to a presentation. Attendees should bring a sample document to work on. docx naming convention and setting the line spacing. This introductory hands-on workshop will demonstrate using the new ribbon interface in Word 2013 to perform basic tasks done in menus in previous versions of Word.
When: Fridays - March 11th or March 25th Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm Introduction to Microsoft Word 2013 and PowerPoint 2013 Name, NetID, Phone Number, and Workshop Name and Date REGISTRATION: Employees wishing to attend one of these training sessions should send the following information via email to Roxanne Huertas at to register: Attendance at these sessions will be restricted to RU-Camden staff wishing to refresh their skills in Microsoft Word 2013, Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 and Microsoft Excel 2013.
The following courses are being offered in addition to the regularly scheduled series. The EdSeries instructors are staff members from Camden Computing Services and from other IT support groups in Camden. This program provides seminars and workshops on various IT-related topics. You can check out Microsoft Word Tutors listings from Rutgers University students and profiles from local New Brunswick residents. Browse for Rutgers Microsoft Word Tutors and more in and around New Brunswick, NJ. Camden Human Resources has partnered with Camden Computing Services (a branch of the Office of Information Technology) to expand the Camden Educational Series. Rutgers Microsoft Word Tutors Connecting with Microsoft Word Tutors at Rutgers is easy on.